Sunday, January 29, 2012

How to Play as a Ghost

1. Kill a sim that is useless or that you don't want. The famous killing method I use is to bring up the cheat bar (ctrl+shift+c) and type "testingcheatsenabled true" without the quotes. Then, go to the sim's needs and drag all their bars down to zero. There will be a lot of complaining from the sim first, so mute if you can't stand moaning! Eventually, he/she will die, Grim will come, and there will be an urn. 

2. Place the urn in a living sim's inventory. 

3. You have to wait a couple days. For me, it took 2 sim days.

4. After a period of time, you should get a notice about the town Science lab having a type of technology to resurrect ghosts. ACCEPT! I THINK ITS A ONE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY!

5. After accepting, go to map view (M or use the button with the building on it) and click the science lab icon. It should glow yellow with an exclamation point. Click and there's an option to resurrect ghost or something. Click it.

6. You will go into the building. Resurrecting takes about 3 sim hours or more, so put on 4 (ultra-speed).

7. VOILA! The dead sim's ghost will be added to your household, and you can control him/her just like the old times! 

Tips: The ghosts talks like a normal sim, except there are freaky echoes. Ghosts controlled by you don't disappear in the day time. You can also have babies with ghosts XD

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