Sunday, January 29, 2012

"Girl Doll Dressed" CC Virus

So, there you have it: the infamous case of the Girl Doll Dressed CC virus. It originated in The Sims Resource and spread to The Sims 3 Official Website. However, it is not rebecah's fault, as she did not know that the Girl Doll Dressed was outdated and had viruses that crash or lag your game immensly. So, the Girl Doll Dressed amazingly latched onto other CC on The Sims 3 Site, so sometimes if you download, for example, a teen dress, then there's  a chance of finding Girll Doll in the children's section in buy mode under 'toys'. 

Thankfully, the Girl Doll Dressed is now up to date, so you can download the virus-free one. But if you happened to have the old one, you can get rid of it by uninstalling it, or looking for this package file 0x038a68fe04da61a6aa65f939d77fbc37.package and DELETE it. Act quickly because if you put your items on the exchange, Girll Doll can latch onto them and spread a virus! Please tell everyone, we don't want this creepy doll ruining our fellow simmers' gameS! :S

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